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M ackenzie with my sister Brooke at her graduation in 96 |
Mackenzie, Jack, Charley and I graduation 2011 |
Mackenzie and I (sniff sniff) | | | | | | | | | |
So we survived Mackenzie's graduation. I had such a buildup of emotions that I am really glad that we are past the actual day. I had really bad post-partum depression when Mackenzie was born and part of my depression was realizing how fast time goes. For some reason when Mackenzie was born, the realization of how fast time goes was so apparent to me. Maybe it is because you have this living breathing, growing right in front of your eyes thing. You can't help but notice and I love the baby ness of her. And somewhere in my brain I knew that if she was growing/aging that fast then so was I. And then all sorts of morbid thoughts. But anyway, you get the picture. While this was one of the most exciting and happy times of my life it was a terrifying one mentally and emotionally with my post-partum. And one of the things I always cried about was how it was just going to seem like next week and she would be graduating from high school.
Well, she did and we all survived and I am proud of the young lady she is. She has strong morals and a strong sense of loyalty and she is a great daughter and big sister and friend to many. The ceremony was lovely and tearful at the same time. I had two little boys to help distract me from my own tears though. Oh no, PANIC, what will I do when it is their turns. I am going to have to go and not ponder that question right now. With a box of kleenex.
I love you Mackenzie, and I am very happy, lucky, and blessed to have you as my daughter.