My 4 year old Jack had to have a 24 hr video EEG on Monday.
We had a regular 1 hour EEG last summer that came back with some rare activity on it. Still not quite sure what that means........but I was told that it was okay and that the Doctor didn't feel that we needed to do anything at this time. Kind of a wait, watch, and see. Well, I helped out at Jack's school a couple of weeks ago and both his teacher and occupational therapist (Jack has very mild CP) told me that they are still seeing some episodes during the day that could be seizures. Basically he is staring off for a few. Who knows if he is just tired,bored,overwhelmed. I didn't really want to put him through a 24 hr test where he would have wires hooked to his head and have to be confined to a small room if it is nothing..........but once the idea is put into your mind that your kid could be having seizures, well, I guess you have to find out.
It will take a couple of weeks to get the full report back but I learned something on Monday from Jack. He is way more brave and resilient that I give him credit for. He was so well behaved and seemed to understand that he needed to stay put on the "magic bed" (named so because of it's ability to move up and down :) without me even needing to remind or tell him. He thought it was pretty cool that his meals were delivered to him on a tray.
The whole experience was a hundred times better than I hoped. Now I just hope we get good test results for my little trooper.
note~ His test came back negative for seizures :)
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