So that cute kid in the picture? He was the weird kid at the birthday party yesterday. Has anyone else just had their heart broken while watching their kid in a social setting?
My friend's son had his 5th birthday party and I took Jack alone. John's dad is here from Texas so instead of dragging everyone they just had some alone time with Charley. For the most part Jack was fine playing with this leapfrog alphabet thingy. All the other kids were running outside and playing on the playset. When Jack did go out there a boy yelled at him and at one point pushed him. I guess even at this young age kids can sense when someone is different from them. And Jack doesn't help things.........in group settings is quirks come out in force. He likes attention so he will do his little skippy dance and when someone asks him a question he will answer in a gibberish made up language. I wish he wouldn't do that. He is such a sweet kid and people in these situations only see his quirks. We knows he has CP but I wish we knew why he did some of his other things. He doesn't fit on the autism spectrum. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much because on the way home last night he kept saying to me, "I had fun, Mommy." So it sounds like I am the one with the hangups and I need to just let him be Jack.
On another note, here is his latest funny
Jack~ Mommy will you flip me in the water?
Me~ Not right now honey.
Jack~ hey! use your manners say yes!
So using your manners means saying yes. funny boy
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