Friday, March 18, 2011

nothing exciting

Spring feels like it is finally coming this week.  I want to open this house and air it out so badly but I think it is still a little too cold for that.  So I am just trying to clean today and I think we are going to go outside for our fresh air.  The sun is shining and that makes all the difference on a 50 degree kind of day.

I got the first part of a dental crown put in on Monday night and had a lot of pain so I went in yesterday and they took it off and smoothed some of the edges.  So much better today and I am happy that the solution was pretty easy and I don't need a root canal.  The funny part was Mackenzie happened to have her scheduled cleaning yesterday so I had both boys in the room with me.  You have never felt so helpless as having a nitro mask on your face and someone's hand drilling in your mouth with 2 little active boys in the room.  Luckily they had a couch in the room with a large tv and we found an episode of bubble guppies.  Thank goodness the boys were pretty good.  I couldn't really yell with my tongue and mouth all numb.

I was going to go out with friends for St. Patrick's day but that didn't happen.  Charley woke up Wednesday night at 3am with a really bad barky cough.  He basically didn't stop coughing until 6 and then him and I went back to sleep until almost 10am.  Thankfully, John was able to go in to work a little late and put Jack on the bus.  He didn't even dress him too weird :)  I think the weather change was making Charley have a little bit of irritated airway.  (he doesn't officially have asthma) and he barked on and off all day.  I called his office to get a prescription for a spacer for his inhaler and they told me they thought he might need a dose of oral steroids.  Of course there were no appointments left in the office so we had to go to our office's after hour appointment clinic at 7.  They open at 7 so I got there at 7:02 and there were already 5 people ahead of us.  When we finally got called back the nurse (nurse Hatchett) was so rude to Charley.  She kept telling him to stop whining and use his big boy voice.  I wish I would have said something to her.  The poor kid was whiney(sp?) But A) he didn't feel good  B) he was was already 8:30 an hour after his bedtime and C) he was probably a little scared?  Anyway the Dr. was great and agreed he should have the oral steroid and within 10 minutes we were out of there and Charley was enjoying a milkshake from McDonald's.  Oh yeah, and I might have been too.  But no out celebrating for me on St.Patrick's day.  Wah, oh well. 

Now for listening to me drone on, here are some pictures.

Charley before haircut. Isn't he cute though?

Jack and his favorite thing ABC's

So serious

No traces of my baby or toddler here.

I am so bummed that I didn't take more pictures of the St.Patrick's day parade


Another one of teen wolf (and my bad kitchen wallpaper)

Still my baby after his bath, so warm and cuddly

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

There is light

I have been feeling better the last few days.  I want to say thanks if anyone read this and sent some prayers my way.  I'm sure that it didn't hurt.  I think I know why I was feeling SO blue and so crabby though.  A small part of it is probably my normal winter blues/seasonal depression but I think 95% of it is Ambien.  I didn't take it for a few nights last week and while I didn't fall asleep super easily.... I woke up in a whole different kind of mood.  No tears for no reason and I didn't feel like I wanted to yell at everyone all of the time for oh I don't know... breathing.  I am glad that I think I know the reason so I can stop thinking that I should be committed somewhere but I am going to miss my Ambien.  I might still take it on the nights where I have to work the next day(because, oh my gosh I get so worked up about the idea of having to work) because I want to make sure I go to sleep at a decent time for my 5 am wake up call.  But if it is too tempting to take it on other nights I might just have to flush them.  I really do think that was the problem because ummmmmmmm it is amazing how different I felt just from not taking it 2 nights in a row.  Bummer though, I will miss you, super easy pass out kind of sleep. 

Let's see........nothing else very exciting to report here.  It is still COLD here and we still have icky snow.  I just want to see some grass and cement and oh I don't know......not have to pack boots,mittens,hat, and snowpants in Jack's backpack everyday.  Plus, I just want to open all of our windows and get some fresh air in here.  It stinks like little boys, big John and stinky dogs right now. 

Oh yeah, Charley bug got pink eye.  Poor guy woke up Saturday morning with a goopy eye and by Monday morning we were heading for the pediatrician's office.  Those little peepers were glued shut.  Now we get to put drops in 4 times a day for 7 days.  It takes 2 of us to hold that little 30 pounder down.  He is little but scrappy, Jack better watch it.

Oh yeah, and the hand thing with Jack is still a little weird but he is using his hands and not holding them out in front of him anymore.  He just can't handle if they get dirty at all but maybe that is okay.  I am going to try and not make a big deal of it and maybe it too will just pass.

Can you see the crustiness? 

You can't really see the crustiness, but can you tell his eyes are glued shut?

Showing you his band-aid

I can't get a normal smile anymore, we have officially entered the goofing off stage for every photo
