Sunday, September 12, 2010

Charley is 3, allergies, and the zoo, oh yeah


IMG_4562I can’t believe Charley is 3 already.  How can that possibly be?  Birthdays always hit me kind of hard for some crazy reason.  I just hate measurements in time,  it just makes you realize how fast time goes I guess.  Not helping the issue is that my oldest just turned 18 in August and I had my 37th birthday.  yuck, yuck, and yuck.  Also, Charley is my sweet baby.  Is the last though?  I don’t want him to be…….I’m not ready for that.  I have always thought there would be at least one more baby in my life.  So, have I cherished every possible, precious, fleeting moment of the last 3 years?  I hope so, I really do.  This blog is going to be part of the insurance that I do just that.  My kids say so many cute things and do so many cute things and I just want to make sure I remember as many of these sweet days as possible.  Sometimes I have a flair for the morbid thoughts.  Like dwelling on how fast it is going instead of living in today and just loving today for what today is.  Wonderful!!!  Here are a couple more shots of the birthday boy.






Anyway I think Charley had a great birthday.  We kind of spread out the gifts through out the day.  He had the cupcakes that he covets every time we walk by them at Meijer.  It was really low key, just our immediate little family.  Very nice day, considering the boys and I are a little under the weather.  It all started last Monday morning when Jack came busting out of his bedroom in the morning shouting…..”somebody, help my brother! He is turning into a dog!” Charley was having an asthma attack and when that happens he sounds like a barking seal.  It is kind of scary if you have never heard it before…..or if you are a 5 year old with a very literal sense about you.  So the boys have pretty bad allergies right now and mine turned into a sinus infection.  Fun times, if you see green snot in any of the following pictures at the zoo, please just ignore.  We are trying to be on top of it but man can those little boys fight a kleenex wipe.


Today has been an absolutely beautiful September day and I realized that we had never made it to our local zoo all summer.  John was on an all day bike ride so it was just me and the kids and we had so much fun.  I am glad we made it.  Here are some pictures.


IMG_4572 Mackenzie and Charley


IMG_4574 These were some really cute little kangaroo type animals. 


IMG_4577 - Copy Jack loved the kid’s petting zoo. 


IMG_4579 - Copy Mackenzie and Charley


IMG_4580 Jack and his goat friend


IMG_4583 - Copy I thought he would freak out in this bird enclosure but he was really cool about it.


IMG_4584 - Copy Charley was a little more skeptical of this whole plan


IMG_4588 Check them all out!!!


IMG_4589 Mackenzie touching a sting ray, ooh


IMG_4590 All of us together :)


IMG_4591 Outside of the lion exhibit, this was way more exciting trust me.


IMG_4592 Charley and his little buddy


IMG_4593 Ice cream at the end of the day, I won’t show you a picture of me chowing down on mine. :)





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