So Mackenzie had her senior pictures a few weeks ago. That is such an unbelievable thought in my mind that I cannot even begin to describe it adequately. I was with her but I didn't hover because you could tell she was nervous. She is like me in the aspect that she hates to be the center of attention. They took a lot of pictures and 2 of my favorites up above. There are some really good ones but I think Mackenzie is sad that they are not all perfect. She is really photogenic and it show up in all of the photos. Again, I think because she was kind of uncomfortable. I offered to pay for another sitting but she isn't interested in that right now. What do you do when your very beautiful daughter inside and out tells you that she hates her face in her senior pictures. Heartbreaking. I can tell her all day long that they look great but I can't make her believer it.
My parents were here a few weeks ago. We had a really good time hanging out at Angie's cool downtown condo and walking around downtown in the nasty humidity. If only I could win the lottery..........I would buy a big ole piece of land somewhere nice and warm and build a cul-de-sac with mansions that my parents and sisters will inhabit :)
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