So that, in the picture above? That is one of the reasons I haven't written in a while. We are stupid dog owners. Phoebe our pug is a 5 year old female who is unaltered. I had thought about breeding her for one litter when she was a puppy and even went as far as meeting with a couple of male stud owners. Then I just kind of realized that it would be too much work and the world is over populated with unwanted dogs. Then we adopted this adorable yorkie poo who happens to be a male. I made an appointment for him to get neutered but somehow they must have slipped off somewhere for some alone time before that appointment because............
59 days after that appointment we came home from being at my sister's house all day to the whining noise of a tiny animal in the back yard. We have a fenced in back yard and an enclosed sun room so we had left the dogs out there while we were gone instead of crating them. I guess I was in denial because Ididn't realize she was "with child". Anyway, we rescued the 1 and only puppy from where Phoebe had hidden it. She seemed to be rejecting her(by this time we knew it was a girl) she actually seemed like she was going to attack her. So Mackenzie and I took turns staying with the puppy and holding Phoebe down so she could nurse. It was really draining. The puppy had a scratch on her shoulder that would bleed now and then so we were concerned about that and if she was eating enough, eliminating enough, was she warm enough, etc. I am so happy to say that after about day 6 Phoebe's motherly instincts finally kicked in and have been awesome since. The puppy is fat and sassy and doing everything she is supposed to do. We, of course are getting extremely attached to her but I really can't fathom the idea of owning 3 dogs right now. We have several people interested in her already so it is going to be hard to pick the "best" home.
I swear if I didn't have my human kids, I would be the crazy dog lady. Even though this was an unplanned puppy and a lesson in irresponsibility on my part, it has actually been a pretty awesome experience with a happy story so far...............
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