Wednesday, September 29, 2010

randomly random

Well this is going to be a post full of randoms. I have been meaning to write much sooner but in classic Nicole form, I have been putting it off. I haven't been doing this for very long but I know that once I finish a post I feel this sense of accomplishment. Whether the post was pulitzer prize material doesn't matter to me. It just feels good to get some thoughts down and makes me reflect a little on how I can handle things differently in my house. Whether it was a great week or not.  I'm sure I can always use a little reflection.

This last week has just been kind of weird. I feel like I have done a lot of yelling of my 2 little ones and nitpicked and grew very annoyed of my older daughter and my husband John. It seemed like everything the big people in this house did just got on my nerves. Charley got yelled at more this week because he is just sweet and full of energy at 3.........but gosh darn it does he have to dump every bucket of toys out and then drag things from room to room. Also, getting into anything that he is not supposed to the minute my back is turned or I happen to be on a 5 minute phone call during the day. Geesh! But I promise to make more one on one time with him this next week and work on projects with him.

Jack, Jack, Jack. I have really lost it on him this week. I feel like the worst mother in the world with him right now. Last year we had him tested for autism and he did not fit on their spectrum so that is good, right? Well, he did fall a little bit below developement wise. About a year. So okay, potty training for him was late but now that is great. He can even stay dry overnight. The thing with him right now is going number 2. He has not done that in the toilet since last July when we were at my parents house. Otherwise it is usually at night. Sometimes we don't find it until morning and the poor weird kid has slept in it all night. How can he sleep like that? I know all the books say not to shame your kid about this or they will be messed up forever. I am just getting tired of rinsing out disgusting underwear everyday and cleaning up a large 5 year old child. And why is he doing this? I know he can do it on the potty. We have seen it or was it a dream. I am not sure anymore. This last week though I went crazy and took all of his beloved books away and told him he can have one back everytime he poos in the potty. I'm afraid to say that none of this was said or done lovingly. I was mad and I shouldn't have let him see me that way. I am just at such a loss on this one. :((((

We have had some good times this week. Art prize is going on right now downtown so we headed out there on Sunday. We didn't get to see even half of the stuff but it was still fun. We randomly ran into these people.

                                                          My sister Angie

                                                           My sweet niece Taylor
Also, today was the 3rd week of Charley's sports sampler at the Y.  Today was floor hockey.  I think he liked it but it is kind of hard to tell he doesn't follow direction very well and would rather sit by me and watch.  But he sure is cute :)

So here is to this week going smoother............less yelling, drinking(might have been me)more fun and planned activities.  And above all patience with Jack and his bowel issues.  We will overcome this him and I and I will not shame him again. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Charley sports and my lack of

One of the reasons I wanted to start this blog was to kind of hold myself accountable for my decision to get healthy and to finally get serious about working out and losing weight. I subscribed to the great website "from the couch to 5K" and I am proud to say that I have started it. Well, okay............... to be honest, I have visualized myself running. I have been shopping for my new running outfits, because let's be serious here, it is really all about the shopping and clothes for me. The idea of running is exciting, fun, and nerve wrecking for me. If I am going to do it ( I will, eventually) I am going to need the best, cutest running clothes I can find. Hmmmph, haven't found them yet. So anyway, we are over month into my vow of living healthier and I really can't say that I have started yet. My only trip to the gym since then has been for Charley. We signed him him up for a sports sampler at the Y. He seemed to love it. Here are a couple videos of him playing basketball and just to let you know, once I find THE outfit, I will start running. :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Charley is 3, allergies, and the zoo, oh yeah


IMG_4562I can’t believe Charley is 3 already.  How can that possibly be?  Birthdays always hit me kind of hard for some crazy reason.  I just hate measurements in time,  it just makes you realize how fast time goes I guess.  Not helping the issue is that my oldest just turned 18 in August and I had my 37th birthday.  yuck, yuck, and yuck.  Also, Charley is my sweet baby.  Is the last though?  I don’t want him to be…….I’m not ready for that.  I have always thought there would be at least one more baby in my life.  So, have I cherished every possible, precious, fleeting moment of the last 3 years?  I hope so, I really do.  This blog is going to be part of the insurance that I do just that.  My kids say so many cute things and do so many cute things and I just want to make sure I remember as many of these sweet days as possible.  Sometimes I have a flair for the morbid thoughts.  Like dwelling on how fast it is going instead of living in today and just loving today for what today is.  Wonderful!!!  Here are a couple more shots of the birthday boy.






Anyway I think Charley had a great birthday.  We kind of spread out the gifts through out the day.  He had the cupcakes that he covets every time we walk by them at Meijer.  It was really low key, just our immediate little family.  Very nice day, considering the boys and I are a little under the weather.  It all started last Monday morning when Jack came busting out of his bedroom in the morning shouting…..”somebody, help my brother! He is turning into a dog!” Charley was having an asthma attack and when that happens he sounds like a barking seal.  It is kind of scary if you have never heard it before…..or if you are a 5 year old with a very literal sense about you.  So the boys have pretty bad allergies right now and mine turned into a sinus infection.  Fun times, if you see green snot in any of the following pictures at the zoo, please just ignore.  We are trying to be on top of it but man can those little boys fight a kleenex wipe.


Today has been an absolutely beautiful September day and I realized that we had never made it to our local zoo all summer.  John was on an all day bike ride so it was just me and the kids and we had so much fun.  I am glad we made it.  Here are some pictures.


IMG_4572 Mackenzie and Charley


IMG_4574 These were some really cute little kangaroo type animals. 


IMG_4577 - Copy Jack loved the kid’s petting zoo. 


IMG_4579 - Copy Mackenzie and Charley


IMG_4580 Jack and his goat friend


IMG_4583 - Copy I thought he would freak out in this bird enclosure but he was really cool about it.


IMG_4584 - Copy Charley was a little more skeptical of this whole plan


IMG_4588 Check them all out!!!


IMG_4589 Mackenzie touching a sting ray, ooh


IMG_4590 All of us together :)


IMG_4591 Outside of the lion exhibit, this was way more exciting trust me.


IMG_4592 Charley and his little buddy


IMG_4593 Ice cream at the end of the day, I won’t show you a picture of me chowing down on mine. :)





Friday, September 10, 2010

Mackenzie senior pics and parental visit

So Mackenzie had her senior pictures a few weeks ago. That is such an unbelievable thought in my mind that I cannot even begin to describe it adequately. I was with her but I didn't hover because you could tell she was nervous. She is like me in the aspect that she hates to be the center of attention. They took a lot of pictures and 2 of my favorites up above. There are some really good ones but I think Mackenzie is sad that they are not all perfect. She is really photogenic and it show up in all of the photos. Again, I think because she was kind of uncomfortable. I offered to pay for another sitting but she isn't interested in that right now. What do you do when your very beautiful daughter inside and out tells you that she hates her face in her senior pictures. Heartbreaking. I can tell her all day long that they look great but I can't make her believer it.

Angie, myself, and my mom

My parents were here a few weeks ago. We had a really good time hanging out at Angie's cool downtown condo and walking around downtown in the nasty humidity. If only I could win the lottery..........I would buy a big ole piece of land somewhere nice and warm and build a cul-de-sac with mansions that my parents and sisters will inhabit :)

long time.... no write

So that, in the picture above? That is one of the reasons I haven't written in a while. We are stupid dog owners. Phoebe our pug is a 5 year old female who is unaltered. I had thought about breeding her for one litter when she was a puppy and even went as far as meeting with a couple of male stud owners. Then I just kind of realized that it would be too much work and the world is over populated with unwanted dogs. Then we adopted this adorable yorkie poo who happens to be a male. I made an appointment for him to get neutered but somehow they must have slipped off somewhere for some alone time before that appointment because............

59 days after that appointment we came home from being at my sister's house all day to the whining noise of a tiny animal in the back yard. We have a fenced in back yard and an enclosed sun room so we had left the dogs out there while we were gone instead of crating them. I guess I was in denial because Ididn't realize she was "with child". Anyway, we rescued the 1 and only puppy from where Phoebe had hidden it. She seemed to be rejecting her(by this time we knew it was a girl) she actually seemed like she was going to attack her. So Mackenzie and I took turns staying with the puppy and holding Phoebe down so she could nurse. It was really draining. The puppy had a scratch on her shoulder that would bleed now and then so we were concerned about that and if she was eating enough, eliminating enough, was she warm enough, etc. I am so happy to say that after about day 6 Phoebe's motherly instincts finally kicked in and have been awesome since. The puppy is fat and sassy and doing everything she is supposed to do. We, of course are getting extremely attached to her but I really can't fathom the idea of owning 3 dogs right now. We have several people interested in her already so it is going to be hard to pick the "best" home.

I swear if I didn't have my human kids, I would be the crazy dog lady. Even though this was an unplanned puppy and a lesson in irresponsibility on my part, it has actually been a pretty awesome experience with a happy story so far...............