Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and goodbye to an old friend

Merry Christmas!  We are celebrating a day early because I have to work tomorrow and Sunday.  We are having a good day.  I can't believe how fast the boys tore through their presents though.  I feel like there wasn't enough even though they had a ton of stuff.  Does anyone else feel like that at Christmas?  All of your careful planning,shopping, and wrapping.........and it is all over in minutes.  It was worth it though.  When they woke up this morning and saw that finally Santa was here.  Now we are playing with toys and some of us our still in pajamas.  I won't say who.  I won't tell on you Jack.

about 30 seconds into it   

pretty smile

these are the coolest things 

On another note, we decide to say goodbye to an old friend today.  The crib.  I am not sure how I feel about it.  Charley is way past ready to be in a big boy bed but I am not ready for it to be packed away.  What does it mean?  Will it ever hold another precious child?  Who knows but I can't keep Charley in there forever. I know poor me right?  Like I am the first mother to ever feel this and I know this is just the beginning of things that my baby is outgrowing. I will have to post some pictures of Charley in his big boy bed.  I will after I get over my mourning.


I love my life and sometimes looking back on my posts it sounds a little doom and gloom.  I am really not like that.  It feels good to write out my feelings here and sometimes I am not having the best day but after I write I feel better.  Also, a couple of these were written after taking an ambien.  That is my big secret sometimes I take one on the nights before I have to work because I am so worried I won't go to sleep early enough.  Anyway, I don't always recommend that you get on your computer after taking an ambien.  There have been some facebook incidences too.  I'll be honest.  Actually, I am always honest.  Kind of a downfall sometimes.  Too much info.  This post was not written with the help of ambien though just banana shakes and coffee.  Okay enough, talk to you later.

Friday, December 17, 2010

nightly dinner battle

Well, I wish the quality of picture was better but this is Jack sitting at the table.  Notice he is alone.  Yeah, everyone else in our family finished like days ago.  Don't let the fork in his mouth fool you.  He is just tormenting me and teasing me.  That fork is still as clean as when it came out of the drawer.  There will be no food on that fork for at least an hour from when this picture was taken.  This is our almost every night ritual.  I am sticking to my guns though and making him stay at the table until he eats what I have asked him to.  Usually just one or two of each thing on his plate.  I am just hoping it gets better.  That kid is so strong willed.  Tonight's time was about 1 hour 50 minutes until he finally ate his cold little morsels of food.  Then he high fived me and ran up to his room to start the nightly dance party.  

If any of my 3 followers (oh darn, I am one and my huband is another,,,, there is no hope for us) have any helpful ideas or funny way they got their scary underweight, stubborn kid to eat please share.  Those chairs are starting to hurt my butt.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


I have been avoiding writing here for a while.  Not sure why.  A combination of writer's block, melancholy, and I wish that I didn't add the stupid scale thing to my blog.  Now it just reminds me of how much weight I haven't lost when I look at it or think about writing a new post.  I don't know why it is so hard for me to lose it.  I have been working out and eating less.  Shouldn't it just fall off?  Also, I all but gave up beer completely.  It seems like when a guy does that he instantly loses the beer gut.  Oh well, we just got back from Mexico late Sunday night so this week is full of just getting back to normal and also getting ready for Christmas........but diet?  I will be back to kick your fat butt soon. 

I have things that I am stressed about right now like some things I'd rather not say here yet, money, making sure everyone has a good Christmas, job situation, and a number of other things that really in the whole big scheme of life are not that big of a deal.  I need to let some things go.  I think God is trying to show me how I need to count my blessings right now.  One of my friend's brothers passed away yesterday at the age of 42.  He had 2 small children.  I can't even imagine what that family is going through right now and to have that happen  near the holidays makes it seem even worse somehow.

Also, I just found out that one of my cousins who is pregnant with her 3rd precious baby just found out that she was having twin girls but then had all the joy taken away within moments because her girls are conjoined at the chest and share a heart and liver.  She is 5 months along right now and not sure how long she will be able to carry them.  Please follow her blog and pray for her at:

 stevens twins linked with love

 With all of that going on it makes me feel really bad for the silly things that I let get me down.

Also, we just got back from Mexico!  What a great time.  I can't believe how fast it went but I was there and I had a great time.  I even got some sun that Michigan hasn't totally sucked away yet.

dinner for schmucks

So in short I am going to make sure and count my blessings today and start having a more positive attitude.  I think it would help though if I had another warm weather vacation planned.  Just saying