Saturday, July 30, 2011

summer vacation

I haven't posted in so long that I had forgot how to log in.  I think after such a long blah spring that once summer finally got here.....I haven't bee here.  Ahhh, but this summer is going too fast.  I am sad that we are just a couple of days away from August and that school supplies are the main display in the grocery stores instead of grilling supplies.

The biggest thing that happened to us this summer was this....

 We were having such a good and promising to be even more fun on the weekend of July 4th.  Life had other plans on July 3rd.  We went over to our friend's house for a bbq and within 5 minutes of being there Mr. Charley daredevil fell off the top of their backyard slide.  I didn't see it happen but I heard him crying and expected to just calm him and kiss a boo boo.  One look at the boo boo, though and I almost passed out.  Arms are not supposed to look like the that... I thought, as I went into tunnel vision and almost passed out.  John wasn't there at the time... he was on a bike ride and was going to be there for dinner.  So one of my kind friends drove Charley and I to the ER and Jack stayed behind.  John was able to meet us at the ER within minutes which was good because I was freaking out!!  Charley broke his forearm in 2 places and he was such a trooper.  They had to sedate him to re-set the bones and we couldn't have asked for a better group of people to take care of him.  The bad thing was you have to wait a week for the swelling to go down before you can get another x-ray and get the cast so we had a week with the fiberglass splint and ace bandage to keep dry and keep protected.  Try that in the middle of summer with a 3 year old.

But then one week later we got the hard cast (not waterproof :(  )

 But at least sturdy and we could go to the park and play areas without me worrying about him hurting his arm further.  When he got his cast he noticed his thumb was separated from the rest of his fingers and he asked me "why can't he play with his friends?"  So we had big ole ugly glow in the dark not waterproof cast for 2 weeks.

Now we have smaller red waterproof cast.  Yeah!!!  

We have already been to the splash pad twice.  We still have to stay away from sand they recommend not going into lake water but hey we will take being able to take baths and going to the splash pad for now.  It is finally summer and it is hot this year and I LOVE it.  Even on some of the most humid, hot days, I really don't mind.  The sun is blue the clouds are beautiful and it is wonderful.  And I am most happy that while it was traumatizing to have my 3 year old break his arm and I was so worried about his pain and was just a broken arm.  He was pretty high up when he fell and it could have been something so much worse.  I don't want to even go there, but you know...... you know?